File tab: Opens Backstage view. Click any Ribbon tab to return to the main view.
Backstage tabs: Fast, easy, and organized access to tools and options that were previously spread across several locations.
Info: Compact and repair your database or encrypt it with a password. After publishing a Web database, the Sync All option will display so you can synchronize your design changes.
Recent: Displays a list of recent databases. Click the pushpin icon next to a database to ‘pin’ it to the list and move it to the top so it’s readily available.
New: Find a rich set of built-in templates for creating new databases. Also find online and community-submitted databases.
Print: Quick access to Print options and Print Preview.
Save & Publish: Save a copy of your database as a database template for efficient reuse, publish your Web database to SharePoint 2010 to make it available through a Web browser, save Access objects in PDF or XPS format, and more.
Help: Get application help and links to other online self-help resources, such as training tutorials. Also find information about the version you are running, activation, and licensing information.
Options: Offers extensive options for setting your preferences, including the ability to customize the Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar.